
Ella | Four Months

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

When did my newborn become 4 months old!? I love it and hate it at the same time. You literally grow overnight! 

At 4 months you...

- are beginning to babble and it's just the cutest sound in the world. I could listen to you "talk" all day

- have your ears pierced! You only cried for a minute or so 

- wearing some 0-3 month clothes and some 3-6 month clothes

- wear size 2 diapers

- weigh around 13 or 14 lbs

- have just started to sleep through the night. You wake up maybe once, cry for a bit, then put yourself back to sleep

- recognize us and your face lights up when you see us

- smile all the time

- giggle only sometimes

- still exclusively breastfeeding. I don't think I'm ready to have you try anything else just yet

- snuggle your lovey all the time. We put you to bed with it every night

- have found your toes

- have the best pouty lip I've ever seen

- put everything in your mouth

- are drooling constantly

- not rolling over quite yet. You've done it maybe twice but both times it was more of a falling over

- still love bathtime 

You're so fun to be around and play with, we're just obsessed with you peanut!



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