
Ella | Five Months

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Ugh, there is just no way I have a 5 month old! I literally had a baby a week ago, I swear. Ahh, I think I say this every month but Ella really gets funner and funner as she's getting older. Each month is my new favorite age, yet I wish I could snap my fingers and have my teeny tiny 5lb newborn in my arms again. 

At five months you...

- are still not rolling from your stomach to your back very much, just every once in awhile

- have started to do this weird back scootch. Sorta like crawling but on your back and you do this frog leg kick and move yourself up. Ok, so not like crawling at all.

- have 2 teeth! Almost. The first one sprouted through on Halloween and the second one 2 days later. Just the tips are peeping through your gums and it's making you quite cranky.

- smile all the time and laugh when something is reeeeeally funny

- wearing size 2 diapers during the day and size 3 at night

- weigh 13lbs 12oz as of your 4 month dr. app a couple weeks ago

- love playing with rattles, soft toys, your toes, and bouncing in your jumper

- like to talk to yourself

- sleeping 5-8 hour stretches at night. Every night is different

- always mesmerized by the TV

- dressed up as a strawberry for your very first Halloween!

- have started to sit by yourself in the tri-pod position

- wear 3-6 month clothes

- have hazel eyes and the longest eyelashes I've ever seen

I really can't put into words how much we love you little peanut. Each month is so exciting and new. We're looking forward to starting solids, seeing you sit up by yourself, and crawling! Oh, and wearing ridiculously festive outfits for the holidays! ;) 



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