
Two & Three Month Favorites

Friday, September 5, 2014

Bumbo Floor Seat I ended up buying our Bumbo from Target (mainly because it was the only place I found it in the color I wanted). I thought the mint color was the cutest and it would be good for a girl or future boy. We started putting Ella in her bumbo around 2 months old. She wasn't quite big enough for it then but I definately think it's helped her build some neck strength and teach her how to keep her head up. Now at 3 months old, she loves it and we put her in it all the time! I'm afraid her chunky legs won't fit in it much longer!

Baby Jogger City Mini GT Stroller My mom got us this stroller for our baby shower (it was on our registry) and we are so so happy with it. I love baby items that don't scream "baby" which usually leads me to buying baby items in black. This stroller rides super smooth and is easy peasy to fold up and put in the car. Ella loves riding in it, mama loves pushing it. It's a win/win.

Vulli Sophie Giraffe Teether Ah who doesn't love the Sophie teether!? I think this is probably the #1 "first baby item" that parents buy..probably because it's so damn cute.  I'll admit, it was the first baby item we bought. Ken actually surprised me with it shortly after we found out I was pregnant. We have both this one and the original, larger one. I think this one is perfect for 3 months though since E can now start to grasp objects. The loops on it are the perfect size for her tiny hands to hold.

Tommee Tippee Milk Feeding Bibs I went back to work when E was 11 weeks old which means that she was going to end up getting alot more bottles than she did in the first 11 weeks. My husband has her for the most part the 3 days a week that I work so he was in charge of feeding her when I was away. He used a few different bibs/burp cloths to help catch that extra milk dribbling down her face and into those hard to clean crevices of her neck. I started to notice her neck creases were turning red and looked irritated. I found these bibs at Target and decided to try them out (well, my husband did) and he said they worked great! They catch all that excess milk and keep her neck and chin nice and dry. 

Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Bottles I decided to breastfeed from the get-go but knew that I wanted Ella to be able to take a bottle for a couple different reasons. 1. because I knew I'd have to go back to work when she was a few months old and she would have to be able to suck from a bottle, and 2. because well, mama needs a few cocktails every now and then which means E gets a bottle of pumped milk :) When I was pregnant, I read tons of reviews on which bottles to get and these were always highly liked by others. We introduced a bottle when Ella was only about 2-3 weeks old (this is also when we introduced a paci) and I'm so glad we did. I was suuuuper nervous trying it since she had such a difficult time latching to my breast in the beginning. Surprisingly she took to it well and will suck from a boob, a bottle, or a paci without any confusion happening. She takes these bottles with no problem (plus there isn't 1000 pieces to clean) so they're a win in my book.

Summer Infant Swaddleme We got these for our shower as well and I was a little skeptical about them in the beginning. Why not just use a regular swaddle? Hmm, well if you're my kid you bust out of a regular swaddle blanket within 2 seconds, that's why. Plus, dads can never seem to get a swaddle as tight as mom so these are super easy for dad's to use :) We didn't really start using them too much until Ella started sleeping in her crib. I thought it would be hard for her to go from the comfort of being in a rocker that hugged her body, to an open crib. So from the start of putting her in the crib at night, we swaddled her with these and I think it does help her feel more "secure" and comfortable. She's always haaated her arms being swaddled so these are nice because you can just swaddle the bottom half of her body nice and tight. Plus I love that they come in a small/medium size and a medium/large size that she can grow into. 

That's all for these past couple months. It's so fun and exciting to try new products and see what works best for her. Each month gets more and more fun and playful so I'm excited to see what the next month brings!


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