
Monday, November 11, 2013

Ultrasound 1 & 2

On Wednesday, October 30th, we got to have our first ultrasound at the fertility office. We immediately saw a flickering on the ultrasound screen and knew right away that it was the bean's heartbeat! We couldn't believe it. Then, if that wasn't great enough, we got to HEAR the heartbeat! The rate was 113 bpm which the doctor said was perfectly normal for where I was in the pregnancy. I was measuring 6 weeks, 3 days according to the ultrasound. He wanted us to come back a week later to compare the ultrasound for growth and then would be able to give us an official due date! We got our first ultrasound pictures and couldn't stop staring at this little sac and baby inside. So crazy. We went back the next Friday, November 8th, for the second ultrasound. I was so nervous/excited. I really didn't have any pregnancy symptoms yet so it all just didn't seem real. This ultrasound, we saw the heartbeat right away again. Phew! The rate was 161 this time, which was also perfect according to how far along I was. The baby was measuring 7 weeks, 4 days. Perfect growth from the week prior! They figured my due date to be from when I took my HCG trigger shot before the IUI, which put me officially at 8 weeks, 3 days with a due date of June 17, 2014! Can't wait to meet this little junebug.


How far along: 8 weeks
Gender: Won't find out for several more weeks. We hope to find out before Christmas! Otherwise we'll probably find out in January and I'm beginning to plan for a "gender reveal party". Something I've always wanted to do! I'm still unsure what I think it'll be but I'm leaning more towards a boy. Ken is still undecided.
Weight gain: Just feeling bloated.
Maternity clothes: None yet. Just lots of yoga pants, leggings, and anything comfy!
Stretch marks: None yet. I bought Palmer's Cocoa Butter Cream for Stretch Marks and started using that but the smell is horrible so I'm not sure I'll use it much longer. I also bought some Bio Oil but it says not to use it until the 2nd trimester (no idea why?). My mom never had stretch marks and they say it's mostly genetic if you get them or not sooo I'm hoping to NO stretch marks!
Belly button in or out: In. And it's staying there.
Sleep: Ah, sleep. I could sleep all day and night. That's the one pregnancy symptom I've noticed (other than my boobs KILLING me). Sleep is great right now :)
Best moment this week: Our ultrasound of course! I think the 2nd one was even more exciting than the first.  Oh, and I officially "graduated" from my fertility office! I cried when they told me that. No more fertility treatments every month? Pretty sure I can live with that. 
Worst moment this week: Can't really think of anything..this week was great!
Miss anything: The occasional glass of vino. Sushi. Deli meat. COFFEE. I do have a cup of coffee like once a week and deli meat just a few times. Not together though, gross.
Movement: Still way too early. Can't wait to feel this bean move!
Cravings: Anything sour or salty. Sour candy, green apples, pretzels, sourdough bread.
Queasy or sick: Not at all. At first I thought this was really strange that I WASN'T feeling queasy at all. Maybe it's still too early. Maybe I'm one of those lucky ones that doesn't get sick at all throughout her pregnancy. Thatd be nice. And right now, it is nice.
Looking forward to: Our next ultrasound in a couple weeks with my OB doctor, telling more friends and making it "facebook official". And, a bump of course!

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