
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

10 weeks

How far along: 10 weeks
Gender: EVERYONE has told me they think it's a girl. I really have no clue! I just want a healthy and happy baby. We've decided to have a gender reveal cake with our close family on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, so excited!
Weight gain: Haven't checked. And I really don't want to, I feel like I've already gained 10 pounds... in my boobs. I'll wait until my first OB appointment for the official weigh-in.
Maternity clothes: None yet, other than leggings and yoga pants. I feel like it's still too early to buy "maternity" clothes..? However, I'm sure this baby bump will quickly make its debut so I should probably consider buying some real pants soon. 
Stretch marks: None yet. Hoping they don't make their appearance anytime soon, or ever.
Belly button in or out: Still an innie
Sleep: Sleeping great. I can still sleep on either side, my back, my stomach, and for long 8-10 hour stretches. Did I mention my bedtime these days is around 11am when the exhaustion kicks in? If I plan on getting anything done in the day, it has to be early morning. 
Best moment this week: Telling all the girls that I'm pregnant! They seemed so happy and excited for us. Also pretty stoked about mine and Kasey's little babe having playdates. A lot of my extended family also found out (thanks Dad) since they were all in town for my cousin's wedding. Everyone is very excited! We also decided this week that we would host Thanksgiving at our house again with mine and Ken's families all here. For some reason I'm really looking forward to cooking, and of course eating stuffing my face. #eatingfortwo
Worst moment this week: Missing Ken. He's been working overtime so much lately, which is great extra money for when we do our holiday shopping but seeing him maybe one day a week makes me miss him! Luckily he's completely off work today so we plan on getting some errands done (aka looking for ugly christmas sweaters) and having dinner together. It makes me wonder how our schedules and daily lives will be like with a little one around :)
Miss anything: I miss my cycling class! Wahhhhhh. I haven't gone for about 6 weeks because I've read so many things online how you should avoid it, especially in the first trimester. So I'm waiting to see my OB doc and get the official verdict whether or not I can continue doing it. 
Movement: None yet, but I CANNOT WAIT to feel movement! I think that's when all this will really feel real.
Cravings: Still loving anything sour or salty. I could eat green apples and soft pretzels
Queasy or sick: Nope.
Looking forward to: So so much. Our first OB appointment next week, eek! Also looking forward to the Macy's Day Parade (my favorite part of Thanksgiving), holiday shopping, visiting with my sister in December, and starting the nursery! 

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