How far along: 37 weeks
Size: Watermelon...but a small one ;)
Size: Watermelon...but a small one ;)
Gender: Girl
Fun Fact: We had another growth scan/BPP yesterday morning and she's measuring 5lbs 13oz which is still only in the 17th percentile. She was sucking her thumb though which was pretty cool to see :)
Symptoms: Lots of BH contractions. I'm ready to feel the real stuff!
Symptoms: Lots of BH contractions. I'm ready to feel the real stuff!
Weight Gain: 25 lbs.
Maternity clothes: If I never wear a maxi skirt again, I'll be pretty damn happy.
Maternity clothes: If I never wear a maxi skirt again, I'll be pretty damn happy.
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: Hangin out there
Sleep: I've mainly been trying to sleep just on my left side since blood flow to the placenta is better that way but after awhile my hip starts to hurt so I have to turn to my right side for a bit. It'll be nice to not have to worry about what my sleep position is.
Best moment this week: My good friend from work threw me a work baby shower this week and it was so so fun. She worked really hard on all the decorations, it was a-dor-a-ble. I'm so grateful to work with such amazing friends, baby E is so spoiled already!
Worst moment this week: Well, we were thinking I'd be induced yesterday due to baby girl's fall off the growth curve from last week. My ultrasound yesterday shows she's still off the growth curve but it's not a huge drop from last week so my doctor said we'll do NST's twice a week, another growth scan Monday, and I'll see her Tuesday for another cervical check (and hopefully a plan to induce!?) I never thought I'd want to be induced but it makes me nervous knowing her growth is less and less each week. I just want her out so I can feed her and make sure she's OK! All this talk about being induced, then deciding not to and waiting another week, has had my emotions all over the place. I'm officially on maternity leave but now think maybe I should go work a couple more shifts so my PTO doesn't completely run out. I just don't think I'm in a good mind set to work 12 hour days at this point. I might as well rest this week, for my sake and baby girl's.
Miss anything: Fitting into normal clothes, being able to walk around without getting short of breath or BH contractions, and a glass of wine while sitting on the patio.
Movement: She's definately a mover. I've actually been able to see my belly pulsating these last couple weeks. It's her breathing. So crazy to see, it freaks Ken out!
Cravings: Waffles, always my comfort food.
Queasy or sick: No
Looking forward to: Next week! We're ready for you E!
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