
Sunday, April 27, 2014

32 weeks

*this week has been super crazy busy and the first time this pregnancy I didn't have time to do a normal 32 week chalkboard picture! A little belly bump with my hubby will have to do!*

How far along: 32 weeks
Size: A winter squash...whatever that is
Gender: She's still a she!
Fun Fact: We had an ultrasound this week to watch baby girl's growth and she's still in the 30th percentile (within normal range but on the small side) and estimated weight is 3lbs 13oz! So fun to imagine what she'll look like, I can't wait!
Weight Gain: 23 lbs
Symptoms: Exhaustion at a whole new level, sleepless nights, feeling full really easily, and some swelling to my legs and feet by the end of my long work shifts. But also feeling incredibly grateful for this little bean and excitement that we just can't contain! 53 days until her due date but who's counting... ;)
Maternity clothes: Still mixing maternity in with my regular shtuff. 
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: The top sticks out when I'm standing up and when I'm sitting it all seems flat. 
Sleep: Oy, sleep has been HORRIBLE this week. I have no problem falling asleep around 9 or 10 but then wake up every.single.night between 1-2am and lay there until 5:30am when I have to get up for work! I just can't seem to turn my brain off or get comfortable when I wake up at 1am so I just lay there tossing and turning. Makes me super happy and friendly during my 12 hour shift. NOT.
Best moment this week: Seeing baby girl on the ultrasound screen. She's such a mover now and kept kicking during the scan when the tech was trying to measure her thigh bones. Already showing us some personality!
Worst moment this week: The whole sleep situation has been pretty shitty.
Miss anything: Sleeeeeeeep. How'd you know thatd be my answer to this question?
Movement: She's moving all the time! She is still head down, her booty is near my belly button and her legs are still off to the right side of my belly.  So weird when she moves her butt AND her legs at the same time. It feels like she's doing somersaults in there. Sometimes it hurts for a second yet I love it. It's an all-around strange/amazing feeling.
Cravings: Still the same stuff. This week has been weird. I've hardly found myself to be "hungry". Even after eating one banana I feel so full. I usually just snack on small stuff throughout the day.
Queasy or sick: Nope!
Looking forward to: Seeing what she looks like! Me and Ken have bets going on when she'll be born, her height and weight, and whether she'll have hair or not. Here's Ken's predictions: June 5th, 20 inches, 6lbs, and no hair. My predictions: June 11th, 19 inches, 6lbs 2oz, and lots of dark hair! Can't wait to see!!

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