And a stubborn girl she is. It took 3 ultrasounds from friends before anyone could tell what she was just based on her position. She was either chillin with her legs completely crossed or moving around like crazy so we couldn't see the goods. So the Friday before Christmas I had a friend at work do an ultrasound. This is when she was literally just chillin in there sucking her thumb! Crazy. That Monday I went to my friend's fertility office for he to do an ultrasound and baby girl was so active that we just couldn't get a clear shot. We were there for an hour looking! On Tuesday, Christmas Eve, my friend at work attempted it one last time. FINALLY, she got the money shot. She said she was 95% sure her guess was accurate. 95% is good enough for me! (Ps I didn't look at the ultrasounds the whole time. I wanted it to be a complete surprise) I had my friend text my sister-in-law who was going to make a gender reveal cake for us to "open" on Christmas day in front of our entire families. The anticipation Here's a few pictures of us cutting into the cake and everyones reactions.
We are beyond excited, and shocked, to be having a girl! Bring on the bows & tutus!